OIN Workshop - Rockefeller University

September 27, 2017 at 12:00 PM CDT
  • Rockefeller University

The Operating Innovative Networks (OIN) workshop series is designed to equip university and laboratory network engineers with the knowledge and training needed to build next-gen campus networks that are optimized for data-intensive science. We collaborate closely with ESnet, Indiana University, Internet 2, and other workshop organizers to educate research computing and network professionals on running and optimizing Globus in the Science DMZ.

Vas will present a tutorial that includes the following topics:

  • Overview of Globus file transfer, sharing, and data publication
  • Creating a personal Globus endpoint (hands-on exercise)
  • Installing and configuring using Globus Connect Server (hands-on exercise)
  • Best practices for deploying Globus at your institution
  • Using Globus Platform-as-a-Service