Subscriber Welcome Kit: Communication Guide
Our most successful subscribers (with lots of researchers using the full range of features) are those who communicate about Globus early and often. Outreach to your community, from announcing Globus availability to providing resources and evangelizing features, is an important element of ensuring you get the most out of your subscription.
Post Globus Information on internal resources
When should I post?
Right after you subscribe!
How should I post?
Add Globus to web page where users go for information (see examples below)
Why should I post?
It’s a reference to point people at when you announce availability of the subscription.
Add Globus to your "new user" resources
When do I add Globus?
Before you announce
How should I add Globus?
Varies by organization, based on how you onboard new users.
Why should I add Globus?
It allows new users, who join after the announcement, to get the information they need.
Announce subscription to your institution
When should I announce?
Once your endpoints are ready
How should I announce?
Email all users (see examples below); leverage existing channels (i.e. newsletters, etc)
Why should I announce?
It makes your users aware of Globus and helps them to start using the service.
Post Globus information on internal resources
Your users need to be able to find Globus information so they don’t just call you for it! Be sure to incorporate Globus into web destinations that your users are already familiar with, and those which new users will be introduced to.
Add “Globus for data transfer and management” into existing content or list of resources on appropriate page – e.g. Research Computing > Get Started; Campus Cluster page > Moving Data; Research > Tools; etc.
Be sure to include link to:
Post the Welcome Kit “Key Resources” document and include a link to it.
Some subscribers choose to create a dedicated Globus page with instructions of their own – note that If you choose to do this, you will need to ensure that the content is always current.
Here are just a few examples of how subscribers have posted Globus info on their sites:
Stanford University has built a dedicated Globus website that provides handy summaries… …for all users to get started with Globus. …for user who wish to use Globus Connect Personal on their personal computer. …for system administrators who want to install Globus Connect Server on their storage systems.
The University of Michigan has an extensive Globus deployment and information on their Advanced Research Computing site .
Oak Ridge National Lab includes Globus information on its user documentation website
Add Globus to your new user resources
(Send this content to whomever is responsible for onboarding new users at your facility.)
When your organization onboards new users (e.g. for a new allocation on your HPC cluster), make sure you introduce Globus as part of that process. The easy way for you to do this is to put your outreach/communications and/or website person in touch with us by contacting
To ensure new users know about Globus, your organization should add a Globus mention/link to any orientation materials—for example:
Does your org have a web page/site specifically for new users?
Is there an online drive/directory of resources for new users? Do you send out a “Welcome” email when a new user comes on board?
Do new users watch a presentation familiarizing them with the resources available at your facility?
In each case, Globus will provide language and materials you can use to ensure new users get up to speed on your Globus subscription as quickly as possible.
Sample text (can be used, or easily altered for use, in the above):
“Our organization subscribes to Globus for research data management—you’ll use Globus to move and share files among our HPC systems. Click here for a Get Started guide or here for a list of key resources.”
If you have connectors, add: “We also have the Globus for [e.g. S3] connectors, so you can use Globus to move data from your campus S3 storage to other sites.”
Announce subscription to your institution
Once your managed endpoints are ready to be used, and user materials are posted, it’s time to let users know they have access to Globus subscription features! Typically an organization will announce availability of Globus via both email and within internal chat channels such as Slack or Discord. Sample text for both media are is provided in the pdf below.
Sample Announcement
Subject: New service for data management at (your organization)
We recently subscribed to Globus for secure, reliable management of our research data. You may already be using Globus to move your files—now you can also use Globus to:
- Share data: All you need is an email address to share data with collaborators—no need to move it anywhere or spin up temp accounts on the storage system. Follow instructions here to get started with sharing, or contact us for help.
- Automate your data flows: Use the Globus Command Line Interface to integrate Globus actions into your existing scripts, use the timer and scheduling features in the web app, or build a flow with Globus Flows
- Make Globus part of your apps: Build data management capabilities into data portals and science gateways via the Globus REST API.
- Get premium support: We now have premium access to the Globus support team. If you need help, email with our org name.
- Use Globus with connectors: Globus can be used to access our <name of any premium connectors you have invested in, e.g. Google Drive, Box, Amazon S3> storage. (if applicable)
- Use HTTPS for download: Now you can move data from within your browser, without installing Globus Connect Personal; you’ll see options for upload and download in the Globus web app.
- Use Globus to manage protected data: Our organization has signed up for the high assurance tier with Globus, so you can use Globus to move protected data (e.g. HIPAA-regulated data) and rest assured you are compliant. (if applicable)
For more detailed information and a list of key resources, click here ; you can also refer to the official Globus documentation.
To see how else you can use Globus in your research, explore our user stories from peer institutions on the Globus website.